Yeah, so what indeed. Smirnov's smears allowed Fox News and every other right wing "news" source to claim that the "Biden crime family" was a threat to U.S. security so they could bury and discredit ...
Republicans’ spectacular debacle came to an embarrassing close on Monday — except nothing is ever really closed for these ...
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Paul Martin, representing the city, with current Mayor Alan Snow seated with him, rested without calling witnesses. Rife says he was improperly convicted in the impeachment with six votes instead of ...
There’s no decision Friday (12/13) after eight witnesses and a couple of delays in a hearing to decide whether impeached ...
Impeachment is a lengthy parliamentary process ... including a thorough examination of evidence and witnesses. The committee shall frame definite charges against the judge on the basis of which ...
Pamela Brown grilled Rep. James Comer (R-KY) for citing the testimony of a witness who pled guilty to lying about the business dealings of the Biden family.
‘We’ the people of India must not read down Justice S.K. Yadav’s speech and allow it to pass as something that is ...