E-bikes caused 75% of bicycle-related deaths in 2023 and more than 7,200 injuries, including nearly 500 pedestrian injuries, according to the city Department of Transportation.
Diller, a longtime Democratic donor, made his position clear during an off-the-record meeting with staff at IAC, the digital media company he chairs.
It must make for interesting pillow talk. The husband of a major Eric Adams ally is working for rival Andrew Cuomo in his bid to unseat the embattled New York City mayor in a crowded Democratic primary.
Having two Adams names on the ballot could cause a whole lot of confusion and create an unpredictable X factor in the Democratic primary race for mayor, campaign veterans told The Post.
Cuomo, took the mic at her dad’s mayoral campaign launch last weekend, griping about the Big Apple’s housing crunch. “As a person who just spent several months looking for a new apartment, I can tell you there’s not enough affordable housing,
The mid-life minxes popularly known in their heyday as “Cuomosexuals” — said the fire wasn’t there this time around.
The group was one of several initiatives that Mr. Cuomo rolled out after resigning as governor. They helped pave the way for his return from the political wilderness, and now a mayoral bid.
Can a former governor accused of slashing transit funding — and triggering the “summer of hell” — rebrand himself as a mayor who innovates and invests on transportation issues? His critics are skeptical.