The average Brit is eating less than half the amount of Chinese food from a restaurant or takeaway than they were before the ...
Experience Liu Jiakun's unique architectural philosophy that respects history and nature, fostering community through design ...
Dubbed an early and rare example of a Chinese temple in Canada, Victoria’s Tam Kung Temple is now a national historic site.
There is a long history of U.S. and Chinese citizens forging relationships with one another through cultural exchange.
After nearly 70 years of repressive Chinese state rule, government policies that seek to forcibly assimilate non-Han peoples ...
One of China's most famous poets, who some call the country's Emily Dickenson, is breaking new boundaries by taking to the stage to dance.
Although it failed to become popular, March of the Black Cats (烏貓進行曲) was the first Taiwanese record to have “pop song” ...
Thailand's recent deportations of Uyghurs to China have eerie parallels with a large deportation in 2015, in which the ...
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Asian American, Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander (AANHPI) populations experienced differences in both ...
The 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, is the spiritual leader of Tibet. His book “Voice for the Voiceless: Over Seven Decades ...
Celebrating Liu Jiakun's Pritzker Prize win: a unique blend of traditional Chinese elements and contemporary design for enriched urban living.