A grisly photo of the cop’s stomach-churning injury shows a massive gaping hole in the back of his bloody head.
After NYPD officials warned about a unit’s aggressive policing, the mayor boosted the team led by his allies. “The unit ...
The company that makes Tasers is poised to roll out a “covert” weapon to satisfy a surge in demand from nervous chief ...
With a renewed focus on public safety and American-made innovation, companies supplying cutting-edge policing technologies ...
The legislation, filed by Bronx Democrat Althea Stevens, would abolish the NYPD's Criminal Group Database and prohibit police officers from accessing the files, which would ultimately be destroyed.
NYPD officers were informed by hospital staff that Kemahni Smalls sustained a gunshot wound in his back prior to being transported by private means to Jacobi Medical Center in the Bronx ...
A dozen NSW Police officers surrounded the house and attempted to Taser the man on Saturday evening after he stabbed himself several times in the chest, threw roof tiles and pushed down a police ...
Lamarre-Condon's bodycam footage shows Lovelock being told to get down before the officer Tasers him a number of times. (Nine) Auto news: Car industry body accused of 'undermining' Australian new ...
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — The NYPD is asking for the public’s help to identify two individuals sought for questioning in connection with a robbery pattern on Staten Island and in Manhattan.
Upon entering the residence, Kane reported seeing Burns punching a woman and chased him up a back staircase and drew his Taser. Kane attempted to push a door open to a second-floor room ...
NEW YORK — The NYPD has inked contracts for a canine-mounted camera system, an unmanned submersible used in New York’s waterways and spent more than $750,000 on a robot dog and accessories ...