There is bipartisan interest in maternal and infant health at federal, state, and local levels. Even in an uncertain health ...
Only nine of 25 states with an approved Medicaid SPA for an innovative payment arrangement addressing novel and expensive therapies coming to market have operational programs. These SPAs have been ...
Venice Haynes, Ph.D., is senior director of research and community engagement at United States of Care, where she spearheads the organization’s listening and research work to understand and ...
Heerea's project will connect the dots on how New Mexico’s hospital financing and systems impact the state’s growing maternity care crisis, which disproportionately impacts racialized and Indigenous ...
Sandhya's project will examine how changing regulations of smokeless nicotine and tobacco affect youth and adult public health in Sweden and the U.S.
Manasi's project will explore the growing role of state Prescription Drug Affordability Boards (PDABs) in deciding what drugs are covered by a U.S. state, with a focus on therapies for cystic fibrosis ...